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Bone Structure Formula, Liquid Ionic Minerals


Bone Structure Formula, Liquid Ionic Minerals

MTM Bone Structure

Product Description

The minerals found in this formula are: Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium, Manganese, Boron, Cobalt, and Zinc.

Many women today are concerned with bone density loss when they reach menopause. There are many factors that will cause the bones to become less dense. The bones are considered the battery to the heart, keeping the rhythms regular. The bone marrow is where ones red blood cells are made which carry the necessary oxygen through the body. The alkalinity of the bones are what control the acidity levels in the body. So, if you were to drink one soda the bones are the first place the minerals will be leached from to neutralize the acidic effects of the soda. For one soda, you need 32 glasses of water to flush out the ill-effects. If you are struggling with poor, broken, or light sleep, the bones have been found to regulate one's sleep cycle. The bones also regulate ones hormones.

The bone matrix stores important growth factors such as insulin-like growth factors, transforming growth factor, bone morphogenetic proteins and others. The yellow bone marrow acts as a storage reserve of fatty acids. The bones also buffers the blood against excessive pH changes by absorbing or releasing alkaline salts. Bone tissues can also store heavy metals and other foreign elements, removing them from the blood and reducing their effects on other tissues. These can later be gradually released for excretion. One's skeleton (bone structure) does not only hold one's frame, but has many benefits for one's health. Therefore taking care of your bones is very important.

Metamin Quality: Metamin Minerals line of liquid minerals are manufactured in the U.S. and we believe they are among the most effective products in the world.

The products' effectiveness is distinguished by three unique characteristics of Metamin Absorbable liquid ionic angstrom minerals: Ionic angstrom sized mineral particles, Double reverse osmosis water, and Zero-point technology.

Employing a patent pending process that breaks down minerals into the smallest size ever achieved ensures maximum absorption of the minerals at the CELLULAR LEVEL in a PRE-DIGESTIVE STATE. This process and these unique factors ensure Metamin Minerals are in the right form, the right size and water soluble, plus a 98% rate of absorption. The minerals do not require digestion or enzyme activity. They are immediately active and available for absorption.

DISCLAIMER: All information is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant or implied to be prescription or to substitute the professional advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. The information in this article is not necessarily the viewpoints of, Metamin Minerals, and associated companies. Under no circumstances should the information contained herein be used for the purposes of diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. If you suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider. Information and statements regarding any of the listed products or services have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Before consumption of any product remember to first read the packaging inserts & labeling carefully.

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