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EQUALIZE (Hypo/Thyroid Support), Liquid Ionic Angstrom Minerals


EQUALIZE (Hypo/Thyroid Support), Liquid Ionic Angstrom Minerals

MTM Equalize (Hypo/Thyroid Support)

Product Description

EQUALIZE is a combination of Copper, Iodine, Selenium, Tyrosine & Zinc. Sluggish? Can't shed weight? Losing your hair? There's a dirty little secret most doctors won't discuss with you. When a medical test is done, any result within a wide range is deemed normal. Your thyroid could be functioning at 30% of peak efficiency, but your tests will say that's fine. Well, it's not fine. And you have the hair loss and the lethargy and the weight gain to prove it.

The thyroid is a petite gland in the neck that helps with the creation and storage of the hormones that are responsible to regulate the blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, and the rate at which the food is transformed into energy. This gland is located in the neck inferior to the thyroid cartilage. As such, the thyroid is in charge of sustaining the body's metabolism. For the optimum functionality of the thyroid health, it is essential to acquire a daily dosage of vitamins and minerals.

Other than vitamins, minerals like iodine, Zinc, Copper and Selenium enhance the thyroid health. Iodine benefits the essential thyroid hormones. It is available naturally in iodized salts, sea foods, and sea rich vegetables like kelp and vegetables that are from the iodine rich fields. Zinc improves thyroid health. The thyroid hormone, thyroxin, was found deficient in the people with lower serum zinc levels. It's also noticed that with adding zinc in people with a thyroxin deficiency, there was an enhancement of the thyroxin levels. Selenium metabolizes thyroid hormones. People with a severe selenium deficiency are presumed having a goiter. Last, but not least; copper aids with the metabolism of the thyroid health.

Metamin Quality: Metamin Minerals line of liquid minerals are manufactured in the U.S. and we believe they are among the most effective products in the world.

The products' effectiveness is distinguished by three unique characteristics of Metamin Absorbable liquid ionic angstrom minerals: Ionic angstrom sized mineral particles, Double reverse osmosis water, and Zero-point technology.

Employing a patent pending process that breaks down minerals into the smallest size ever achieved ensures maximum absorption of the minerals at the CELLULAR LEVEL in a PRE-DIGESTIVE STATE. This process and these unique factors ensure Metamin Minerals are in the right form, the right size and water soluble, plus a 98% rate of absorption. The minerals do not require digestion or enzyme activity. They are immediately active and available for absorption.

DISCLAIMER: All information is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant or implied to be prescription or to substitute the professional advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. The information in this article is not necessarily the viewpoints of, Metamin Minerals, and associated companies. Under no circumstances should the information contained herein be used for the purposes of diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. If you suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider. Information and statements regarding any of the listed products or services have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Before consumption of any product remember to first read the packaging inserts & labeling carefully.

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